Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Galileo, GALILEO, Galileo figaro!

We had a little bit of a scare about Jared's school. The deadline to accept was Monday morning. I called to accept his slot on Friday, but the lady in charge of accepting slots wasn't there. The secretary seemed rather worried about her secretarial skills, and was too scared to take a message, so she told me to call back on Monday morning.

So when Ryan got home from work Monday evening, he asked me if I'd called. Oops! And now the school was closed. I guess calling on Friday had checked off that item on my mental to-do list, so I completely spaced it when Monday came. It didn't help that I was coming down with something, either.

I was so worried all night that I'd blown it for Jared.

But we called today (Ryan and I both called, unbeknownst to each other) and Jared gets to go to Galileo.

Which is so very appropriate since today is the 400th anniversary of Galileo showing his amazing telescope to the world. See, I knew that and that's why I forgot to call until this morning! Okay, so no, I didn't, but I still think it's pretty cool that we officially signed him up to go to Galileo Elementary on the 400th anniversary!

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