Sunday, November 01, 2009

The Bright Side

With a week such as we had last week, it's easy to feel downtrodden and discouraged. A trip to the hospital and Ryan's last day of employment were big reasons to feel down, but even smaller things like a cold snap on the only day we could make it to the pumpkin patch just made it feel like nothing worked out for us.

It didn't help that Zach was a monster at church today. When he wasn't yelling or trying to escape our pew, he was laying on the floor and crawling underneath them to play with the kids behind us. After spending most of the meeting out in the foyer, we decided that the consequence of his behavior should be going home (no nursery!) He sobbed all the way home, until I got him in bed (who scheduled Halloween the night before church?) and snuggled with him. Then we both dozed off for a while.

But things aren't so bad, so I'm going to try to look on the bright side!

  • Ryan had just activated his cell phone (and I'd re-memorized the #) the night before my accident, so I could call him and could call my doctor after the urgent care clinic turned me away.
  • Hospital tours were canceled due to the swine flu, but Ryan and I got one!
  • Visiting Teachers are awesome! They watched my kids while Ryan took me to the hospital, and they brought me dinner the next night, and they've called to check up on me all week.
  • We're so good at packing up Ryan's office, we had it all done in record time.
  • Halloween night was almost warm! No pj's under costumes needed for warmth. And the boys asked to go home, instead of us trying to talk them into calling it quits.
  • I got an hour-long nap with Zach today!
  • When I was stuck at the doctor's office after the H1N1 shot, the doctor gave my boys BlowPops (which kept them occupied) and the nurse checking in on me was dressed like SuperWoman. And Ryan had his cell phone, so I could call him to fake out the doctor so I could drive myself home.
  • Ryan will have some "time off" to spend with us.
  • Ryan's boss obviously felt bad for having to let him go, and was accordingly generous with his checkbook!
Things could be much worse, of course. And I'm thankful they're not. This time of year, we are supposed to count our blessings, so that's what I'll try to do!

Oh, that reminds me of one more blessing; it's NOVEMBER! Let the countdown begin to baby day!

1 comment:

Kat said...

Love you Susie! I hope things are going ok for you. Let me know if there is anything that we can do for you guys. :) The countdown begins!