Friday, October 15, 2010

Luke's 10 Month Photos

I can blame it on the rain, and a million other things, and I justify it by saying that I'm really taking pictures a month apart, even if it's in the middle of the month instead of right when Luke reaches a new month. But any way I look at it, I'm late getting his pictures taken! At least I'm doing it, though.

I didn't get very many great shots, but I only need a few anyway, right? The reason for so many "lost" shots is that Luke wasn't cooperating. He was having too much fun!

I love his laugh!
I have a rainbow-colored duster that I tease him with to get him to smile, but it has stopped working, so I tossed it aside. Although he wouldn't smile for the duster, he was still very interested in it, and would crawl away from where I'd posed him to go get it. I finally had to really toss it, way behind some bushes, before he'd hold still.
And then he was more interested in playing with the rocks.  I really wanted some pictures of him standing, to show off that skill, but since he wouldn't do it, I figured I'd try another old trick of mine: put him on something so he'd be stuck. A hay bale, a rock, an old trunk, an ottoman, all of those things work.  Well, they used to work until Luke learned to go down the stairs all by himself. The moment I sat him on the rock, he'd flip onto his tummy and slide down backwards. I therefore have a lot of these shots:

Stinker! Why does he have to go and be so smart and figure all this stuff out?  But he's a cute little stinker.

There are some more photos here.

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