Friday, October 28, 2011

Gastric Thoughts

Last night in the car, somehow stomach acid came up as a topic of conversation between Jared and Zach. It probably started with barf, I'm sure. Anyway, I suddenly tuned into the talk when Jared asked me a question.

"I'm guessing that there are special cells in the lining of your stomach that let them withstand the acid, right? Because usually, acid burns."

While the whole thought process was fascinating to me, I was especially impressed by his use of the word, "withstand." Hello!


Anonymous said...

Haha, kids surprise you all the time don't they?!

Shannon @FairfaceWashcloths said...

Smart kids! :) I didn't even know you had a blog. Thanks for stopping by my sewing blog. Your comment made me laugh. I need to figure out how to stop myself from all my moments of "inspiration" haha Maybe we did get it from Grandma.