Friday, September 02, 2011

Still Haunting Us (But Only A Bit)

I got a call from the school nurse today, asking for a photo of Zachary. I never expect anyone to remember me or my kids personally. I mean, they work with so many people, right? But I suppose that with all the drama surrounding Zach's seizure over a year ago, with me running into the school with an unconscious 3 year old and laying him on the nurse's bed, would carve a pretty significant memory for anyone involved. So she remembers us quite well! 

And apparently, she wants everyone prepared in case Zach seizes again during school. I guess he's got a 53% chance of having another, but it's been so long since his last one (just over a year), that it's happily receded from the forefront of my mind. The nurse is making a flyer of sorts, I guess to hand out to his teachers, letting them know what to do if he were to have another seizure.  And she wanted a picture of him for it. So I sent her this one:
Zachary is ready for his first day of kindergarten!
She called me back later to ask which hospital they want me to send him to (if he has a seizure that lasts longer than 5 minutes, or if he's having trouble breathing after the seizure ends. Thankfully, he doesn't have to go to a hospital if he just sleeps afterward, and I'd just pick him up from school). And I have made it my personal goal to be as thoughtful and nice as some people I see around me, including this school nurse. Because she made my day when she said, "I love that picture of him. I want to make it my screen saver, he's so dang cute!"

Of course, I think it's a cute picture, too, but I think I love these more:

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