Sunday, May 27, 2012

Happy Birthday, Zachary!

We're 20 days late. But that's okay.

We can still celebrate, right?

I had Zach choose one friend to invite to go to the Discovery Center with us. It's the local kids' science museum, and one of my boys' favorite places on Earth. Zach changed his mind several times about who he'd invite, but he had to finalize on the day of his kindergarten graduation, because that's when I followed the kid to his parents and extended the invitation.

Then Friday, his friend's mom called and asked if she could crash the party. Turns out her son was nervous about getting in a strange car and going somewhere with us. Totally understandable. I said sure! She brought all her kids. It turned out to be a fun day.

I could tell Zach was happy to have his friend there, because as soon as he walked in, the two boys started pushing each other gently, like a mini sparring match, huge grins on their faces.

The kids ran amok as they are wont (and allowed) to do at the Discovery Center. I didn't take pictures, but one of these days I should take my camera so the boys can remember this awesome place.

We usually stay until I am bored and can't stand it anymore. I got to know the other mom, which helped pass the time. After about 2 1/2 hours, I thought I might go nuts, so I suggested that I should go get the cupcakes. But we had some logistical problems. #1, it was cold and drizzly outside. #2, the park where I'd planned to serve cupcakes is on the other side of a canal, which has a bridge with stairs. The other mom had a double stroller for her two littlest kiddos. Very much not stair-friendly.  So I asked at the front desk if there was an empty room, or some covered place we could go. They nicely offered their birthday room, as long as no one was already in there. Cha-ching!

So I got the cupcakes out of the car and we herded the kids into the birthday room. Someone had very obligingly left a stack of napkins for us to use, and colored chalk to write "Happy Birthday Zachary!" We sang and open presents, then said some goodbyes. Then the boys and I went to the mall.
Zach got a coupon from Build-A-Bear, and some dough from Nana & Babu (my parents), so we went shopping. He found the cutest football uniform for his dog, Kicks. It came with a jersey, pants, football that straps onto Kicks' paw, and a football helmet.

When we got home, we had just enough cupcakes for the boys to have one more. And Zach had the great idea to decorate them with Nerds. A giant box of Rainbow Nerds was part of the gift Zach's friend brought to the Discovery Center. The boys thought Nerdy cupcakes rocked.

 It was a fun day!

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