Friday, December 21, 2012

Luke is THREE!

Last week, I got a package. Today, Luke said, "I want to get a package, too." How lucky for him that one was waiting for him in the apartment office! He was so excited and told everyone it was his birthday. And he wouldn't let me help him carry the package.

Luke asked for pizza and fruit for dinner. But all day he kept asking, "Now can we eat the cake?" Finally, it was time.

It's quite possibly the lamest cake I've ever made, but he loves it, and it's his opinion that matters!

Luke underestimated the strength of that flame. It didn't budge. He was determined not to let that happen again!


Opening a present from Nana & Babu.

Trying it on.

Zach wanted to wrap something up for Luke to open, even though he'd given him a gift the night before at Dad's house. He'd already packed up a teeny McDonald's toy in a milk box and used tons of tape to keep it shut when I suggested we dig something out of a box of toys that we hadn't opened since we moved here. Zach and Luke were both very happy with the results.

This gift is from me. I walked around 3 stores looking for a toy, and just wasn't impressed with anything. I kept thinking pajamas, but wasn't sure that would be cool enough. Then I saw these.

Shortly after this picture, he did a fist pump, threw his head back, and shouted, "YES!!!!"
I think he likes them.

For this picture, I said, "Show me how happy you are."

And this shot is to show his pajamas and how much fun the boys had when I let them have the entire box of dinosaur toys they hadn't seen in almost a year.

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