Thursday, August 08, 2013

Babby Farms

Babby Farms is a new little petting zoo place in Caldwell, Idaho. It has a stupid name, but it was a fun outing.
First, we waited on the playground for a tour guide.
Cute little Zebu!

Zach with a yak!

This camel has issues with personal space....

That would be a zedonk.


A capybara. I saw a bunch of these swimming in a lake in the middle of an urban park in Brazil.

I bet YOU haven't had a red tufted lemur climb up you.

My baby with a baby sloth.

Patagonian cavy


Porcupine. Did you know they had such squishy noses? At least this species does. Or maybe this guy is just extra blessed with cuteness.

More to come....that's all the photos they'll let me post!

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