Thursday, January 07, 2010

5 1/2 Weeks

Luke is 5 1/2 weeks old now! He's getting a little chub on him, which makes him cuter and cuter every day. You can see it most in his cheeks:
Last night we saw his first real smile! I decided to get some use out of our soaker tub (which doesn't get use nearly enough!) and took him in with me. Did you know that babies float? Well, if you hold their head, their bodies float. I had to hold his body under so he'd stay warm. But man, he loved it! He even seemed to enjoy getting his hair washed, which is usually cause for crying. And as he was just chillin' there in warm water up to his neck, he smiled.

Then, just to be even more adorable, this morning Zach kissed him on the cheek twice, and twice he smiled. It was so exciting for Jared and Zach to see that cute smile!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nothing better than when a baby smiles, except perhaps when they laugh.