Monday, May 17, 2010

First School Lunch Ever!

I just packed my first school lunch, ever. That seems so monumental, probably because it's the first of about ten quabillion that I'll pack in my lifetime.

So monumental, in fact, that I took a picture of it afterward. Yes, I know I'm a total photo/scrapbook dork. But in my defense, I really don't plan to scrap this photo. This is a blog-only dork picture!

Jared is going on a field trip, so school will be considerably longer than his half-day kindergarten class. He knew it was coming up, and that he'd need to take a lunch. And apparently, he had been thinking about this for a long, long time, because he brought it up on the way to school today.

He suggested we buy him a Club Penguin lunch box and save it until first grade, except for his field trip tomorrow. And apparently he knows that only Target carries Club Penguin merchandise. Good to know.

Alas, the newsletter from his teacher said he needs to bring it in a paper bag so she can put it in a big cooler. We went to Target anyway and bought him socks and underwear. But it's pretty cool underwear (camo!) so he's actually happy about it.

It was a big thing to pack that lunch. He decided exactly what should go in it. Juice box, turkey sandwich with cheese and turkey and mayo and lettuce, applesauce cup, and teeny raisin box. I tried to put in pudding, but he wasn't so sure. We did a test-run for dessert tonight, and those darn lids are too hard to get off. He just can't do it. He says it'll be too much for him to eat, anyway. I dunno, it's so fun to get a treat in your lunch bag.

So I hid a graham cracker cookie (two graham crackers glued together with frosting) under his juice box.

Who's the mom? I'm the mom.


Anonymous said...

Go mom! I remember fixing Matt's lunches for school. And I'll have to make him one for his field trip on Friday... getting to make them once in a while is fun :D

Kat said...

You are the bomb! :) And I am totally going to copy you on taking pictures of Caden's first lunch as he has to bring a lunch next week. :) You rock!

CB said...

You totally crack me up! And dang Geena you should scrap this picture - It is a huge milestone and when you have made your millionth sandwish you will be looking back at this picture and again saying "Who's the mom!". ha ha

CB said...

And I know I had a spelling error - sorry work with me OK!