Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Seizure Commonalities

I've done quite a bit of research about seizures this summer, and one thing doctors usually do is try to find a common link between episodes. Zachary's only had two seizures, so it's hard to really find any sort of pattern. Still, my mind has been working on the problem subconsciously, and here's what I've found:
  1. I had my back turned to Zach.
  2. We were away from home.
  3. There was a big stack of library books in the front seat of the van, because we were planning on returning them to the library on the way home.
So according to my observations, I must never turn my back on him, never leave home, and never, ever return library books (even though we may have to take out another mortgage to pay the late fines). That way, I can be absolutely sure that he never has another seizure!

Okay, on a more serious note (because obviously, we're not going to let a 54% chance of another seizure completely ruin our lives), a few days after his second seizure, I realized that I was feeling so on-edge because commonality #1 was, illogically, very real to me. I didn't want to let him out of my sight, or turn my back on him, even though I knew it would not cause him to have another seizure. Once I consciously confronted that illogical fear, life started to settle back down again.

#2 is just a pain in the rear, I guess. It would be awfully nice, if he has another seizure, if we were home and I could just put him to bed for a few hours. On the other hand, when we're out of the house, he's by my side 90% of the time (except when he takes off at the store and I have to call a Code Adam on him!) I'd hate for him to have one while he's walking down the stairs or something at home.

And the library book thing is just kind of funny, and very much indicative of our life with boys voracious for knowledge!

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