Thursday, August 26, 2010

Western Idaho State Fair

We went to the Fair last year and had a lot of fun looking at all the quilts, produce, and hobby crafts the people around here produce. It feels so old-fashioned and neighborly-like to have a fair and ribbons and all that!  So we were inspired to enter some of our own handiwork this year.

Jared entered his award-winning photo, and got a participation ribbon. I really don't think I'm biased when I wonder what in the world the judges were thinking when they awarded the ribbons near Jared's photo. Fourth place, especially, is a shocker. It's the photo right above Jared's. Click on the picture above so you can see it better. It's a snapshot of someone's little brother's bum. Hardly artistic!

Then we walked around and saw the sights. The big boys got to brush a very large cow. Luke was enamored with the geese and chickens, and just holding on to the fences in the petting zoo.

I don't feel like inserting all our pictures tonight, so click here to see them. They're funny! And the captions ought to tell you what you want toknow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The judges probably thought someone was trying to be sneaky and Jared's photo was taken by an adult;that's the only way I can explain why the brother's bum got fourth place.