Sunday, November 07, 2010

Big Day for Jared

After testing, consulting with psychologists and educators, and of course prayer, we decided that Jared would benefit from moving up to second grade! He also gets to go to a once-a-week, one-hour class for gifted kids.

He started his new adventure on Monday, November 1st.

I was very much impressed with all the thought and consideration his school put into moving him up. Part of it was luck, as a few kids asked to move around within second grade and left a spot open for Jared in the perfect class for him. But so much of it was just thoughtful. They made sure he finished out his unit and promised party with his first grade class, and started a new unit in his new class.

Jared's new teacher was also wonderful. We stopped in after school one day so Jared could check out his new classroom. She told him all about how her class works, got his name written on a desk, and chose a buddy to sit next to him and help him through the transition.

I was expecting to hit some bumps along the way. I thought Jared would be exhausted and emotional after a stressful day of being the "new kid" in class, trying to make new friends, adjusting to the new routine, and dealing with more challenging work. But we still haven't hit any bumps. He seems to already fit in even better than he did in first grade! Everything is going really great so far. We're so happy that this is working out so well!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay, Jared! I am so happy for him!!