Saturday, February 05, 2011

Bits of Cuteness

We had a fun day today, just a satisfying sort of day. And some bits of cuteness are standing out to me as I head for bed. I thought I'd share.

Luke loves to touch foreheads with ours. I guess we do it to our babies and kids. It just comes naturally. So we say "head butt!" and he leans in and bonks foreheads lightly. Zach used to do it to me, but we'd rub our foreheads. He later dubbed them "elephant kisses." Don't know why.

Anyway, today, I leaned toward Luke and said, "head butt!" He turned his head around and leaned backwards, bonking me with the back of his head. I laughed, but wondered if he just hadn't heard me. So a few minutes later, I tried again. "Head butt!" and again, he turned around and bonked me backwards. But this time, he whipped around and giggled at me. Silly boy!

He's also refusing to give kisses. He's been ignoring my request for a few days, which is a little bit sad. But yesterday and today, when I ask, "Kisses?" he squinches up his eyes and then shakes his head! What a booger!

Tonight, I tried to get him to give Ryan a kiss goodnight, and he leaned in with his lips (as) puckered (as they get when you're 14 months old), then at the last minute, leaned back and shook his head. He did it three times just to reiterate his boogerness.

And today, Ryan taught him "fist bump." I don't think I've ever seen a kid so young do that! That makes it especially adorable, of course.

1 comment:

Kat said...

What a cute little stinker! :)