Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Zach turns Five!

On the day of Zachary's fifth birthday, we had an informal party when I babysat some friends' kids. We made cupcakes, and the kids got to decorate them. I never thought it could be that fun! But the kids sure enjoyed it!
Check out Luke on the bottom right, digging in face-first!

A finger in the frosting already!

 Luke didn't bother with decorating his cupcake. He didn't even bother to use his hands!
But he seemed to have just as much fun as everyone else.
 Then it was time for candles and eating the cupcakes! I just noticed that two of the candles are overlapping in this shot. Hmmmm....that could get confusing when I'm trying to remember which birthday this is!

 And then it was time to open some presents. 
A really fun card from Dad!

Wow! This boy is a ball-lover, as you can see from his face. His very own football!

This one is from my parents. 
Just look at his face when he realizes what it is!!!

 It didn't take long before that thing was out of the box and on the driveway!

Everyone went out to play on things with wheels. There were spectacular crashes (but no injuries),
near misses,
 and there was even a "synchronized scooters" demonstration! Completely by accident, of course.

Then Zach showed off his mad skills.
And now it seems that the only punishment with any sort of clout for him is to take away his scooter.

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