Tuesday, March 19, 2013

I was taking some pictures, and then suddenly....

Zach was showing me how loose his tooth is. It's been loose for about 2 months, it seems like, so I figured it would never come out! But he sure could flip it out far, like a 90 degree angle, so I snapped a picture.
Then, of course, I needed a picture of the entire cute boy. This is one of those rites of passage that don't get photographed too often, I think. Hooray for wiggley teeth!

And then, suddenly... 

He shouted something, and I was still looking through my viewfinder, so I snapped this. He was saying, without closing his mouth, "Aaaaah! It came out!"

"See? It really did come out!"

I love the look of uncertain concern on his face. He was very worried about the blood. So after I snapped that, he ran to the sink to rinse his mouth.

Proudly toothless!

In this one, he's showing off the bruise he got at school. While doing a flip on the playground bars, he managed to swing his head right into the bar!  I even got a call from the nurse and a head injury info sheet from her, just to make sure he didn't end up with a concussion.

Then Luke ran up and said, "Hey mom, wanna see our matching teeth?"
But they couldn't figure out how to smile without their teeth clenched AND hold still, so this is the best I could get.
Is it just me, or do they have a crazed look in their eyes?  No wonder I'm so tired all the time!
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