Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Lukety Split

Nicknames are sort of hard to come by for Luke, but we try. I figured we really should have thought of Lucky Luke earlier, since he was 7 lbs, 7 oz. We've mostly ended up calling him "Lukety Luke Lukester." And I recently had "Lukety Split" come to mind. But they're not real easy to say. Oh well!

Of course, I think we call him "Juh... I mean Za... I mean Luke" at least once a day.

Here are some cute pictures of him from recent days. Visit our February online photo album to see all of them!


Lora said...

He is getting so big! Cutie!

Anonymous said...

Cute, cute, cute...and they grow up so fast :(

We have the same problem with Alex's name: Cannot call him "Lexi" or "Ali" without giving him a complex later on.