Sunday, September 12, 2010

All Grown Up

Luke apparently thinks that he's all grown up and can go up the stairs without asking Mommy. We have had the baby gate at the top of the stairs since he started crawling, but he was too scared to venture from the bottom up. Two or three times, he'd try to follow us up, but got one or two steps up and started crying.  We weren't worried enough yet to haul the gate up and down with us yet.

Then, the other day, I couldn't find Luke. I heard him, but why did he sound so far away? Then I heard him pushing buttons on the phone. The phone that's upstairs!!!   He had, in total silence, crawled all the way to the second story.

And he keeps doing it!

He stays far away from the top of the stairs once he gets there, though. It's funny that we probably never needed the gate at the top, but we definitely need it at the bottom! Even if it's only so he can't get into trouble by sneaking up to his brothers' rooms!

1 comment:

Lora said...

Good luck!! Brynlee and I battled over the stairs until I got the gate up and even then it was torture teaching her to go down.