Monday, November 08, 2010

Sick Baby

Poor Luke woke up feverish and cranky from his nap yesterday. The poor thing very uncharacteristically whined, cried, and snuggled all evening.  And then he threw up on Ryan.

I checked on him several times during the night, and his fever broke in the wee hours. He was feeling quite a bit better when he woke up, but still isn't quite himself. So we've had a laid-back, hold-the-baby-a-lot day.  We spent about 45 minutes playing on my bed this afternoon. Luke is getting so funny!

He likes to sing "Popcorn Popping" and does two of the hand actions. When I get to "I can take an armful" and make a circle with my arms, he makes sure to lean in so he gets hugged by that armful.  He does two hand actions for Patty-Cake, too. He gives high-fives and gimme-fives. But today, he decided to give me five with his foot. Goofball. He's also started imitating yawns. I can ask him to say "mama" and he'll say it, or "dada" or "baba" or "Fffffff." He tries to copy everything we do! It's so fun and cute. And he's so proud of himself that he claps or does the end of the Cougar (BYU) fight song to cheer for himself.

That boy had me in stitches today. Prob'ly had to be there.

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