Wednesday, September 01, 2010


I am very happy to publish a retraction of my previous defamation of the Western Idaho State Fair's Youth Photography judges. While I still don't know why they awarded Fourth Place to the Little Brother's Bum photo, and I now know that they have trouble distributing ribbons correctly, their artistic judgment when it comes to Jared's photo is now in the clear.

I was supposed to pick up our entries on Monday. I remembered that fact last night as I was falling asleep, and was in a panic, because the rule book says that "unclaimed items will be considered abandoned, and will be disposed of as we see fit." I wanted my photos and scrapbook page, darnit!

Then today, we were in the neighborhood, so even though I didn't have my claim tickets with me, I decided to see if they'd already chucked our pictures.

I was directed to the Premium Office, where they distribute prize money. The nice lady asked if we'd won anything, and I said no, we just wanted our pictures back. She insisted on checking anyway. Turns out, Jared was given the wrong ribbon! He won SECOND PLACE and $2! She handed me two crisp bills and got him the correct color of ribbon.

Then we went to find my photos. When I identified my photo of a farm, she said, "Oh darn, I was hoping no one would claim that one so I could take it home!" So that's what it means when they say "dispose of as we see fit!" Then she paraded me around the office, telling everyone how disappointed she was that I came to collect my photo. They all wanted to know where it was so they could go see it.

That made me feel good, almost as good as knowing I was going to get to tell Jared about the ribbon mistake!

So Jared is truly an award-winning photographer now, with two ribbons to prove it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Policy of diposing of items left after the fair: Those with multiple or valuable items will be contacted. Last year's left over items were taken to the trash in January. Premium moneys: those with more than $10 coming are being contacted. After September 9 all funds have to be returned to the general fund. This year we took in over 16,000 items before the fair, only less than 100 remain in our office at this point. The Premium Office of the Western Idaho Fair.